Is your Health Predictable or Is Your Freedom In Jeopardy?

What is the difference between SMT (spinal manipulative therapy) and a specific chiropractic adjustment?

Why should you care? The answer is simple but for it to make sense,  we must ask a few more questions first.

Do you know that your body is self-regulating and self-healing or do you only believe it and therefore neglect to take right action in your life?

Do you fix your home and cars and yet neglect to check your spinal alignment and keep your only body-brain connection in tune?

Do you believe your brain doesn’t need a properly aligned spine for you to experience HEALTH FREEDOM? Do you believe brushing your teeth once is enough?

Proactive people take adjustments regularly because they understand and KNOW chiropractic to be the only evidence based approach to keeping the body’s internal functions at their best.  The result enables the state we call HEALTH to happen.  Reactive  or crisis motivated people wait until they feel actual pain or for their body to be in organ malfunction before reacting in defense.  Unfortunately it is a scientific fact that we cannot grow and evolve into who we are here to be from a defensive mindset. If is is our habit to let stress accumulate we shut down partially and so are less able to adapt, digest, rest and procreate.  Something to THINK about in a future blog.

Here at Pike Chiropractic we know why and how chiropractic and the modern measurement technologies can ensure you are adapting to daily change at your full potential. It is our mission to keep you and your family at your best NOW. so in your future your health is PREDICTABLE.

Your health is predictable if you can eat whatever you want, enjoy all the activities you choose to do and have loads of energy to spare at workday end to spend with yourself and family. Do you accept that genetic factors are limiting your freedom to be predictably healthy? Do you have to take medicines?  If so you have likely either been misinformed or you haven’t adopted regular chiropractic adjustment out of ignorance or misleading beliefs you have been missing out. I call this the ignorance tax. But it is never to late to wake your body up. It is just like rebooting your computer. Life is already flowing, Specific adjustments turn up the volume. Stop your needless sufering and the limitations of being incarcerated by your genetic prison. A life sentence! You can escape with adjustments into predictable lifetime wellness.

Your body is self-healing and self-regulating but how would you experience this if your master control is unable to communicate with your body because of an unhealthy spinal system. Call today to arrange for your Insight spinal scan and find out what has been holding you back from health freedom and a future of predictable health and daily well being.



September 3 - September 9

Clinic will resume on
September 10

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