What is health? Obviously this state of Being would include optimum or full function of all your body’s cells and systems and more. The W.H.O. constitution’s definition (1948) states that health is “a state of complete physical, mental, and social (spiritual) well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” How is this state possible? This question can be answered two ways; but only one is correct. This is because full function (including self-regeneration) is an attribute of Nature, the magical environment in which we are living. What is magic? Magic is the ‘realization’ by natural processes which if we cannot yet conceive of, we can’t see and so cannot appreciate. I’ve always been intrigued by the irony that live spelled backwards is evil. If we don’t yet ‘see’ ourselves as magical (spiritual) beings; there is much about life that we can’t understand. The reason we can’t understand life is because we don’t truly do it. That’s how natural law works. What we don’t Do we cannot fully KNOW. So instead of knowing what it means to live now (in the endless present moment) we are unconsciously locked in an habitual state of belief which at best is only our sincere desire to know about life. This unconscious mistake in our choice of identity ‘naturally’ spawns evil experiences from how we have ‘lived’ which is, of course, devil spelled backwards.

Why is our choice of identity important? Well because, obviously we as Beings who are also human; are magic. Whoa your educated mind may say. But let me be clear. The state of being alive is something we did learn a little about in biology, but we didn’t learn anything about what it takes to live a life. Above I insinuated that to live in reverse is evil. What does this mean? Well this is the opposite of what life does. Life is an inside-out process that always happens in the present moment. Evil is an outside-in demonstration or manipulation that is ‘out of order’ or a disorder manifesting during the same present moment. Because it isn’t consistent with life’s way; when human beings allow evil as their expression, this choice must necessarily create destruction, imbalance, disorganization and disorder in our lives and yes also in our physical body. Do you see where this is heading?

Above in the title is part of my solution. Lets R.A.P! We are capable of becoming part of the solution because we are actually magical living beings. This simple fact is forgotten by most of us soon after our birth. Further; our true identity has been omitted in our education and distorted in our religions. So how do we create the sacred state of health? We must learn to allow it by being both who and what we are because we know our WHY. We, you and I, are invisible life moving through visible matter. Time is an illusion. The proof of this is that the only ‘time’ we can DO anthing is now. R is to release. A is to adapt. P is to proclaim. We know health when we deliberately release our mind into being here now. Our body, when it is fully alive, will adapt with the full potential of its innate capabilities in every way necessary. As spiritual Beings we can choose to proclaim what we know because we have lived it on purpose and not by accident. My unique promise and my chosen purpose as a chiropractor is to allow this process in those who come to me in every specific, scientific adjustment I perform. #pikechiropractichealingcentre

This weekend was the final opportunity to experience the”Vaccines Revealed” campaign. If you desire to own this content for yourself here is the link.



September 3 - September 9

Clinic will resume on
September 10

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