Category Archives: Uncategorized

Alert! When Drugs Are Used With Children It Can Be Life Threatening!

Here is a link that all parents with ADHD children need to listen to. This story is self=evident in its scope and relevance There are few pharmaceutical strategies parents need to know before subjecting our youth to the toxicity of drug therapy. Without doubt the mos powerful one is the body’s own recuperative ability […]

Source Is Primary or…How Stuff Works!

B.J. Palmer – the developer of our chiropractic profession wrote this in 1946. “You and I are. We did not happen. We are a result. We are replicas of many who have gone before. We represent a pattern.” In this pattern everything is properly placed. started running, and keeps on keeping on until its destined […]

Who Am I? Why am I here? What are Educated and Innate?

Laying the foundation for understanding of healing from inside-out vs fixing or treating from outside-in. How old is Innate? What is Educated? (Quotes below at taken from ‘Inhibitions Starve History’ by B.J. Palmer 1946) “You and I as units carry two mentalities, intellectualities, personalities – Innate and educated.” “Innate is complete and functions perfectly. Innate […]

Which Do You Have; A Back And Neck Ache Or A Brain Problem?

How do I explain what I have learned about health and healing to a community like ours that really needs leadership? Simple. Tell the truth right?  Take this for example. I receive a postcard notice in the mail entitled FAITH-HOPE-LOVE on July 14-16th. So here’s my response as a leader to this invitation. First, understand […]

Are Your Natural Energies Tuned in and Turned On? If So You Are Health.

The basic premise of chiropractic is that ‘true’ health is dependent on the full expression of life. “This basic premise is the strength of chiropractic, the premise that there is an interference that is causing the problem. By the way, its not just the cause of the physical problem when a patient shows up. Its […]

How To Prevent Lost Health From Destroying Your Life

Why do I ask this question in the title of this post?… (Please read my thoughts and feel for yourself if they make any sense to you). …Because over my 35+ years as a health care provider I have noticed that as health comsummers; we buy what we want and not what we need. What […]

How Do You Get The Best Value From Your Chiropractic Care?

The biggest challenge to understanding health or body function properly is to be responsible for yourself. Nathaniel Branden was a psychotherapist who coined the term “self esteem.” One day Dr. Branden was asked what the primary secret to mastering self esteem was. His immediate answer was…”You must accept full responsibility for everything you have ever […]

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