Category Archives: Uncategorized

Spinal subluxation is serious. Chiropractic care is a necessity.

Good day friends and fans of Pike Chiropractic Healing Centre.  2015 is a 2X year for Pike Chiropractic Healing Centre. This means that our impact on this community will double.  We will do this through regular meetings and workshops where Subluxation’s devastating effects on health in people of all ages will be demonstrated using the […]

What’s The Big Idea? For years the truth about how your body works,as known by the chiropracatic profession has been referred to as “THE BIG IDEA.” Today while studying for this post I came across the above video. The parallels of this spinal research into paralysis is exactly on point with the power of a chiropractic adjustment for […]

The Stream of Abundance Constantly Renews All

Regardless of the state of ones health, because of the connection that we embody as living beings, there is always integration to match disintegration. There is always healing to replenish the wearing of exhaustion just as there is ease to proceed what has been wrongly named disease. Further, as the word implies; dis-ease is simply the absence […]

Talking the TIC

What is Health. How is it caused? What does the term “health care” really mean?  The founder of chiropractic would often refer to chiropracTIC and chiropracTOR.  My daily mission and purpose in this life is to be the TOR who is talking the TIC. ‘Teaching Innate Consciousness‘ is the TIC TIC TIC  beating at the […]

Carlos’ Story of Reconnection to Life…The Beginning.

Health and wellness is the normal default state of the vast majority of human beings.  Which is the most important physical system regulating our moment to moment functions? Many would say that it is the heart that must beat to pump the blood to oxygenate and detoxify the body’s cells and systems.  Another might insist that its […]

Wellness Chiropractic increases libido, weight loss and sleep quality…

What does it mean to change a life? Why does change depend on life experiences and not words? Because we evolve and transform through being and doing. My previous blog-post featured this heart felt testimonial. I recently came across the original while doing some filing. I’d love to meet whoever wrote this to do a […]

Chiropractors aren’t pain doctors…we are BRAIN doctors. Spine to Brain

Over my years of experience I have seen many spontaneous changes in behaviour in both children and fully grown adults.  Do you have ADHD? Do you know and clearly understand that your focus and concentration along with hyperactive and impulsive states can only be changed by altering your brain?  An estimated 3 to 4 million […]

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